Friday, May 11, 2007

Charlie on Parade

This video rocks with its cock out. It is literally Charlie's greatest hits. Enjoy.

I have also added the perfect Charlie quote to the side of the blog. It is the single most important point we can make about the case.

Charlie was a loser and a punk. He was a nothing. He was NOT the "most dangerous man alive".


Max Frost said...

What's your definition of punk and loser?

Charlie's more famous than Joseph Smith.

Heaven said...

Rocks with its cock out???

That is hilarious!!


Anonymous said...

Why does it have a hole in its pants from riding horses at the Ranch?

(sorry i couldn't help myself.)

deadwoodhbo said...

Collapse comments

Scramblehead said...
What's your definition of punk and loser?

Charlie's more famous than Joseph Smith.

3:10 AM, May 11, 2007

Well both Charlie and Joseph Smith rock in my books.LDS and Charlie ROCK ON! Oh and Col Charlie is NO Loser if i am correct he is not at war with candygrammer 24/7 or a friend of bobby's.PEACE.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Col for another awesome video.

jempud said...

Col dice

Charlie was a loser and a punk. He was a nothing..

Do you not think he had charisma, Col? There must have been some reason youmg people were attracted to him. Or were they just lost young people?


agnostic monk said...

Heaven said...
>>>Rocks with its cock out???

That is hilarious!!


that WAS good, wasn't it heaven? I have to remember that one.

agnostic monk said...

I agree with the Col in this post - Charlie wasn't the most dangerous man in the world by a long shot, but it is my personal opinion that Charlie held more sway with these young folks than Charlie himself has ever been willing to admit.

Maybe he could never admit it to himself.

By the way, are my eyes playing tricks on me or does Charlie have access to hair gel and a blow dryer in prison?

Max Frost said...

If you watch every available interview with CM, you'll see that he has admitted several times that he held sway with a lot of the kids at the ranch. It's a mutual blame thing though. like Leslie said to Dianne Sawyer, something to the effect of "Part of my responsibility was helping to create HIM...being a follower does not excuse."

agnostic monk said...

Scramblehead said...
>>>you'll see that he has admitted several times that he held sway with a lot of the kids at the ranch

There are very few that I haven't seen, and I believe he held more sway than he admits.

But I agree 100% about your "mutual blame" statement.

ColScott said...

Oh and Col Charlie is NO Loser if i am correct he is not at war with candygrammer 24/7 or a friend of bobby's.PEACE.

Deadwood did I upset you or something that I missed?

Candygramma is not a war, I just mock her when I feel like it.

And I like Bobby. So?

agnostic monk said...

ColScott said...
>>>And I like Bobby. So?

Bobby sure is a most interesting fellow, Col. I'm hanging out with a friend on Saturday on the haight and when I'm in that nabe I always think of that picture of young him at the top of those stairs of the victorian with his artful dodger costume. how can you not love those freaking boots? But the pic also makes me a wee bit sad because he had so much potential at that time.

I still can't believe he had the cajones to represent himself at trial.

deadwoodhbo said...

And I like Bobby. So?

8:45 PM, May 11, 2007
Col i have always liked this blog,you put on the most interesting infor.Did not beausoleil murder hinman?
In 1980 did he not admit his guilt,does that not make him a loser to?

Heaven said...

I don't think Charlie ever was the most dangerous man alive.

The media loves to hype things up...

Since Tex did the killings those two nights, he should have been labeled the most dangerous man alive. Or the stupidest man alive. Take your pick lol

ColScott said...

Deadwood- Charlie was a loser his whole life. AND he never killed anybody.

As said in the comments, Bobby was anything BUT a loser. He had it going on- boyfriends, girlfriends, movies, music. Then he fucked up big time.

Big difference.

agnostic monk said...

ColScott said...
>>>He had it going on

He sure did. Even his NAME was the stuff of a superstar.

This top pic is interesting to me. Jesus he looks like he's 12.

deadwoodhbo said...

ColScott said...
Deadwood- Charlie was a loser his whole life. AND he never killed anybody.

As said in the comments, Bobby was anything BUT a loser. He had it going on- boyfriends, girlfriends, movies, music. Then he fucked up big time.


10:49 AM, May 12, 2007

We both have diffrent veiw's peace Col.

evilliz said...

ahhhhhhhh....the ole "rock out with your cock out" least we not forget "hang out with your wang out" and the female version
"jam out with your clam out"